Something about me
When I’m shooting, time seems to slow down just as my breathing does. I feel as if the objects in the scene come together magicaly and all I have to do is observe, enjoy and press the shutter. The concept of freezing a moment in time and space blows my mind. Over the years, I have learned a lot doing photography, but I have learned a lot more about myself and it never stops! I came to a point that I can finally say “I´m fully expressing my self and by doing this I feel complete and joyfull”
My dad was usually around the house with his big camera since I was a little boy. It wasn’t a very professional camera but it did look pretty awesome when I was little. I was fascinated to see myself and my family in those portraits, framed in time for ever. I was always asking my dad to borrow it but it wasn’t until I turned 18 that he gave it to me and it was then that I started taking pictures more seriously.
Landscape On The Edge
Venue Name, City
MARCH 7 - SEPTEMBER 10 - 2023
Weather Capturing
Venue Name, City
APRIL 16 - NOVEMBER 8 - 2023